The Power Of Words

Words were created with a special power. A power that could express, create relationships & the power to break them too. The tongue is one of the most dangerous weapons ever. Indeed it is gifted but with a clause. As a weapon, it doesn't damage you physically but will cut through your soul. It can destroy your heart into a million pieces. Not an easy task to mend a wounded heart. 

Using words to express yourself would be sometimes easy & sometimes the most difficult thing ever. To Stand face to face and express your hidden thoughts. The fear of losing, the fear of being let down, the fear of regret. Take courage and speak out your mind without being harsh. If you are right, explain! If you are wrong, simply apologize. Don't let a relationship fade away unless you've tried your best to make things work. It takes months to build a relationship, but, it takes seconds to destroy it all. If words can kill, words can surely heal. Choose your words well.